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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives


Participants : Damien Hardy, Erven Rohou.

Informal International Partners

Caroline Collange has collaborated with Marcos Yukio Siraichi, Vinicius Fernandes dos Santos and Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira from UFMG, Brazil [31].

Isabelle Puaut has collaborated with Renato Mancuso (University of Boston, USA) and Heechul Yun (University of Kansas, USA) on predictable memory hierarchies [26]. She has collaborated with Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark) on predictable branch predictors [29].

Erven Rohou has been collaborating with Prof. Ahmed El-Mahdy (Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt) and his group [21], [22].

Erven Rohou and Loïc Besnard have been collaborating with Prof. João Cardoso (University of Porto, Porto, Portugal) and his group [16].